Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Inspiration's inspiration (Week Six)

Using Inspiration Software will prove great fun and Inspiration in the classroom. Combining the benefits of Inspiration's diagramming with reading, comprehension, character development, and character relationships, students can organize ideas in pictorial form. I am not sure at this point in time as to whether or not I would use this software in my classroom. I am, however, open to presenting the possibility to my students and going forward based on their feedback and interest. I have not played with the software enough to give a definite yes or no answer to the use of Inspiration in my classroom setting.



Beth said...

Hey Starla I was just looking at your page and I just wanted to tell you went adding the websites on the side if you put in the url and then name it only the name will show up as a link instead of all that http:wwww stuff and it just makes the web page a little more user friendly and so they know what they are linking too.
Hope that helps a little bit besides that good job.

Ms. Reynolds said...

Thank you, I used your advice and it made my page much better!