Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Assignment #5: Final Presentation

This class was jammed packed with a plethora of information for not only technology but also uses of technology in education. I still feel as though I have only scratched the surface. The experience was a good one but I found myself frustrated many times falling behind in assignments for lack of understanding. The class went quite fast in presentation of various technology aspects as we meandered into various web sites containing various technology aspects in which we incorporated into creating our blogs. In some ways I felt that there were too many places to find information we covered in the classroom as well as instruction on assignments and projects due. I found myself lost many times. In all honesty, I certainly wish we had had more in class time but there were so much information to cover, to classes a week would have been better than one. Features that I learned and used are: SMART Board, Inspiration, Blogger, Box.net and PowerPoint.

It is not that I could say my knowledge changed in doing this assignment. More so, I was given the opportunity to use aspects learned in the class and incorporate them into an actual class room teaching situation. It would be an unjust statement to say this technology could not be added to my expert list for the only aspect hindering the technology is me – the non-expert. Yes, I should as this technology to my expert list.

I have so much left to learn about the technology. I am pretty good at figuring out how to use technology when I have detailed instructions in hand but I feel the learning never stops. I am by far an expert but will improve in knowledge and confidence the more time I spent at any given technology task.

A link to my project (Comparing Film Adaptations for Hamlet) can be found to can be found to the right of this blog.

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